Lagertha ♀️ hypo transluent leatherback red monster line 8/22/2021

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Adult female produced by Extreme Dragons of AZ. I do not recommend for breeding. She's very sweet and gentle and weighing 375 grams. Hatched in August 2021. I bought her young. She has a tail kink and had a beard injury over a year ago from an ihook that has been healed for over a year. 

This sweet girl just needs a loving family for Christmas to spoil her! 

I paid $500 as a baby so my loss is your gain in so many ways!

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Adult female produced by Extreme Dragons of AZ. I do not recommend for breeding. She's very sweet and gentle and weighing 375 grams. Hatched in August 2021. I bought her young. She has a tail kink and had a beard injury over a year ago from an ihook that has been healed for over a year. 

This sweet girl just needs a loving family for Christmas to spoil her! 

I paid $500 as a baby so my loss is your gain in so many ways!

Adult female produced by Extreme Dragons of AZ. I do not recommend for breeding. She's very sweet and gentle and weighing 375 grams. Hatched in August 2021. I bought her young. She has a tail kink and had a beard injury over a year ago from an ihook that has been healed for over a year. 

This sweet girl just needs a loving family for Christmas to spoil her! 

I paid $500 as a baby so my loss is your gain in so many ways!